Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Terrible Treats Tuesday- Halloween Supper

Halloween is all about the sugar high but sometimes you need a few savory treats to help balance out all that sweet goodness. Here are a few supper like treats with a Halloween twist for your spread:

Martha has a simple trick to making a great Halloween spread, color. Simply choose a ghoulish tone of green, or a dark rustic purple/black, or go pumpkin! Either way, you can easily play around with your food options and get pretty creative too. This spread is mostly cheese, crackers, veggies, and dip.
This Spread has a darker theme with peppered cheese, figs, plums, and other dark fruits.
These treats aren't too ghoulish looking but they have a nice autumn twist. Black bean salsa, tea dyed crackled eggs, and croque monsieurs are a perfect hot sandwich to have on a breezy night.

These crackly eggs are a nice break from the common deviled egg appetizer. Plus they are super pretty. Similiar to the ones listed above. Recipe can be found Here.

Healthy, fun, and super easy. You can really play around with this idea and create other great Halloween motifs. For example, take chopped red peppers and create a nice goatee devil.Mummy Hot Dogs. Fun, cute, great for kids, and super yummy. Pumpkin Polentas Yummy.
How great are these chips?!! Go Here for some helpful hints on how to make these creepy creature chips.

These Bat Bites are actually little cheese ball appetizers. I have a feeling they are super scrumptious.

This is what I'd like to call the Moldy Cheese Log. Don't worry, it's not moldy. Super easy to make and it is sure to add the perfect grotesque twist to your spread.

This Pumpkin Chowder is a little more traditional but a great autumn snack. I recommend using an actual pumpkin for your bowl.
Wow, doesn't this pumpkin curry look great? It also would make a great filling for the veggie stuffed intestine below.
Yes, these stuffed intestines look kinda gross, but check out the Recipe cuz it sounds super delicious.
Spider Pizza. Perfect for all ages and also easy and cheap to make. I recommend using pesto sauce instead to give it a more ghoulish look.

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